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Our Story

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It all began one day as Educators in the public school system. 

The idea of starting a foundation was not a top priority for us until we became educators in the public school system. While transitioning into our new roles as high school mathematics and science teachers, we continued to bridge our corporate experience to help students understand the direct relationship to connect academics to the real world.


While enhancing our teaching craft, we decided to pursue the administrative career track. After spending time in an educational administrative master's program, we came to the conclusion that becoming school principals was not our calling.

We began to discuss ideas on how we could make college education a priority among African American high school students. Research showed these astute academic graduating seniors deferred from attending college due to raising cost in college tuition.


Realizing our calling initiated us to focus on finance and how it may impacts one's discussion to attend or not to attend college, as a result Tower Five Foundation was founded. Helping college bound students and their families overcome the fear of college financial debt was our true calling.  


Scholarship assistance could fulfill the void of financial instability that students and their families face. Hopefully, while providing financial support, these  bright minds will continue on a pathway to higher


Today, we continue to agree with our dynamic leadership team, that an educational scholarship foundation could meet this need by providing talented students with scholarship assistance to attend an Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). As a result, these new highly qualified college graduates will be able to build thriving prosperous communities and transforming lifestyles for many generations. 


We are so excited to be members of this foundation while giving back to young students to further their college education. Though your support as a foundation donor, you hold the keys to these students success.





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High School Exterior

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